What we Do

MES offers social relief, development and professional services to vulnerable and homeless youth and adults, enabling them to move off the streets and reintegrate into society as contributing members.

MES has day-service centres in the major urban areas of South Africa: Johannesburg, Kempton Park, Cape Town, and Gqeberha. Day-service centres provide access to a permanent social worker and occupational therapist, as well as other social services support and links to safe night-time space. These day-service centres serve as our first point of contact with the homeless community.

The shelters provide short- to medium-term accommodation to the beneficiaries of our programmes. They are assessed and supported through the programme in overcoming mental health or addiction issues. Work programmes and training evaluate beneficiaries’ work readiness for a sustainable exit.

Youth and adults at risk: 4-Phase Model

The MES Youth and Adults (YAR) programme targets youth and adults in lower-income urban communities who are typically poor, disempowered, unemployed and often homeless. It particularly focuses on the NEET group (Not in Education, Employment or Training).

Number of meals served during outreaches
Beds on average occupied every night
People placed in jobs
People who received life skills and other training
Work readiness opportunities provided

Our Goal

To help youth and adults overcome hindrances towards hope, dignity, and living independent and rewarding lives.

Get Involved

  • Funding is required for the social workers and therapists.
  • Training partners to provide support with bursaries, stipends, and accredited training.
  • Partners in the affordable housing market.
  • Support our work readiness programmes by hiring our cleaning teams.
  • Sponsoring or donating tools, equipment, vehicles and fuel.
  • Support the homeless through Michange vouchers that direct them to developmental pathways instead of giving them cash. Find out more and buy vouchers at www.michange.org (soon to be extended to other regions in 2025).

Contact: engage@mes.org.za

Story of Grace

A New Path – My Journey with MES

"Going to Mould Empower Serve has been a transformative journey—one that helped me restore myself and my life. When someone finally accepts that they need help with an out-of-control lifestyle, that’s when the wheels ...

Siphelo, a testament to resilience

Having completed his outpatient rehab programme with SANCA, which he embarked on in March 2023, Siphelo Phiri sees this as a pivotal moment in his life. He is optimistic that this achievement is just ...