Ndodana enrolled at Dinaledi in 2022 in the Bambi class (for 3-year-olds). He was very quiet and reserved, often engaging in activities that were different from the other children. Socially, intellectually, and emotionally, he was behind his peers. Initially, we considered referring him to a special school, but our dedicated teachers insisted on giving him a chance, believing they could apply their skills to help Ndodana develop.
Ndodana was later moved to the 4-year-old class, where his teacher provided him with extra care and support, which helped him improve slightly. However, he still cried frequently, and his parents felt helpless, fearing that he wouldn’t make it to grade R. Despite the challenges, our teachers remained committed to him, offering additional attention and encouragement. To everyone’s surprise, when Ndodana moved to grade R, he confidently led the dances for our graduation and concert. His transformation amazed us all, and we are grateful for the dedication of our teachers who helped him flourish and reach his full potential. Today, Ndodana is a bright and happy child in grade 1. His parents recently shared feedback, expressing their joy that he is doing well in all aspects of learning.